
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2020


Hello, I am doing my final post and today I will speak about the role of technology in my career. In my particular case, I don’t use many technologies but they exist. There is a lot of people who work with many of this technological gadgets. For example, the sound engineers work with computers, interfaces, microphones, headphones, mixers and a lot of another objects. For the musical industry is absolutely necessary the technologies. For some composers the technologies are essentials because they compose with software, algorithms and with computer series. But the musical arts can exist with or without technologies. Sometimes the technologies can be distractors for many things of the life. The people, the societies lost a lot of interest for the culture and the arts because of the technologies. But we can use smartly that things and all will be good. I don`t use many technologies because I am classical guitar player and I play almost all the time without amplification. Only wit


Hello, I am studying classical guitar and I will speak about my musical projects in 2020.  I am working with a great soprano Claudia Figueroa, we are a chamber music duo and we are working an amazing program concert. Also we have to do many management activities to have spaces and stages to show our work and to be payed. About our program,this is in two part. The first is european music, with two great compossers: John Dowland from the early England and Ludwig van Beethoven from the nineteen century Germany. Also we chose Beethoven becouse is his two hundred fifty anniversary. And in the second part of our show, we chose two latinoamerican compossers: Heitor Villa-Lobos from Brazil and Violeta Parra from Chile. Another challinging project is my soloist carrer. In September 2019 I won a classical guitar competition in Buenos Aires, Argentina. And the prize is a trip to Barcelona to do a concert and to participate in another prestigous competition. I will do this trip in novemb


When I started my musical studies at the university, I was lisent many music in my phone or laptop and I´ve been to some concerts. But there was one that changed my perspective of music and how to play the guitar. This was the incredible tribute to Agustín Barrios Mangoré (a very important guitar composer of Paraguay) for his 75 death anniversary. This concert was played by the amazing chilean guitarist Carlos Pérez at the Contemporary Art Museum. The way that Carlos played this night was incredible, he had an amazing and powerful sound, he was very deep, sentimental and perfectly virtuous. The hall was full of people and when he finished the pieces the applauses was too hard. When the concert finished the people was very emotive and all of them, including me, enjoyed every note that Carlos played. Another amazing experience was my first trip to Europe that I did in July 2019. I was very happy when I knew that I would go, because I won a scholarship and then I went to Spain and


Hello, I am Alexander and I would like to visit Canada. Never in my life I was interested in this country, but two years ago, my father and my brother went to this country. So, when they came back, I saw many pictures and stories about the great places in this country. I like the weather, all is full of snow, you can play with the snow and it is very funny to me. They visited amazing parks and did interesting activities there. Always, in any country that I visit, I like to visit de museums, so, that is one of the activities that I would do. Another great spot are the Niagara Falls. You can pay to go there in a little ship, the size and the sound is colossal. I would recommend this country only if you like this kind of weather, because the cold is not for all the people. But in general, always is good for anyone to travel and to know any place. Because always it will be a new experience, always you will know new people and cultures. I would go to this country only for a two or three wee